EURECOM is part of the high profile EIT Digital Master in Cyber Security (CES)
EIT Digital Master School is an exclusive collaboration between the best technical universities in Europe, supported by top research institutes and leading business organisations. EIT Digital Master School offers a two-year education in which students choose two universities in two different European countries, building a curriculum of their choice based on their skills and interests. The Master School offers double degrees which combine technical competence with skills in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
EIT Digital Master School students study one year at an ‘entry’ university and one year at an ‘exit’ university - EURECOM being an option - in two of EIT Digital’s hot spots around Europe.
EURECOM proposes a 2nd year specialization in "Mobile and Cloud Security" that focuses on mobile systems and the security and privacy issues thereof, with a strong focus on android based smartphones and wireless protocols.
As our lives rely increasingly more on processes taking place in the cyber world, cybersecurity is paramount to protect us, our privacy and the integrity and confidentiality of our digital belongings. Two new paradigms are shaping the infrastructures of the future: mobility and cloud computing. It is therefore of the uttermost importance to have experts capable of addressing the security of these infrastructures, mobile devices and communications between them. This is what this course is about. Key words: cloud computing, mobile systems, Android, malware analysis, secure communications, vulnerability assessment, mitigation techniques, operating system security Objectives:
Master EIT Digital Cyber Security
Elective EIT Digital Security | Unit ECTS: 10.00 Min sum of Weight: |
T | Clouds | Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing | Weight: 0.50 |
T | ImProc | Digital Image Processing | Weight: 0.25 |
T | MALIS | Machine Learning and Intelligent System | Weight: 0.50 |
T | MobSys | Mobile communication systems | Weight: 0.50 |
T | QUANTIS | Quantum Information Science | Weight: 0.25 |
T | SysSec | System and Network Security | Weight: 0.50 |
Fundamentals EIT Digital Security | Unit ECTS: 5.00 Min sum of Weight: |
T | BigSec | Security and privacy for Big Data and Cloud | Weight: 0.50 |
T | MPC | Multiparty Computation and Blockchains | Weight: 0.50 |
T | MobiSec | Mobile Systems and Smartphone Security | Weight: 1.00 |
Innovation & entrepreneurship EIT | Unit ECTS: 6.00 Min sum of Weight: |
G | I&E | Innovation and entrepreneurship EIT (external course) | Weight: 1.00 |
Language French or another foreign language for French speakers | 1 |
Semester project (100h) | 8 |
Application Deadlines:
Period one: November - February
Period two: February - April
Find out more at :
“Why you should choose EIT Digital Master School” : here
Administrative programme coordinator: Stéphanie MARMION
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