Fight against gender-based and sexual violence (SGBV or VSS in French)
The SGBV - what is it exactly?
Gender-based and sexual violence (SGBV or Violences Sexistes et Sexuelles in French) are attacks on the physical and psychological integrity of people because of their gender or their sexuality. They are conceived in a gradual continuity: from disrespectful or mocking attitude to hurtful or insulting remarks, to inappropriate gestures and aggression.
EURECOM is committed to the fight against gender-based and sexual violence (SGBV).
A Listening and Support Unit against sexual or gender-based violence welcomes you and listens to you (employees and students).
The Listening Unit is made up of:
- Andréa PELIZZERI – Student Life Officer
- Sophie SALMON - SGBV Referent & CSE Member
If you are a victim or a witness, do not remain alone.
Come and tell us about it or contact us at
You will be listened to, helped, accompanied, with or without an appointment in a safe place. We assure you the strictest respect for confidentiality and the absolute guarantee of anonymity.