January 2023
EURECOM announces that Qualcomm France S.A.R.L will sponsor the 2023-2026 EURECOM class of engineering.
March 2021
EURECOM and EDHEC Business School sign an original strategic alliance in order to tackle the issues of a society undergoing profound transformation.
May 2019
EURECOM and Huawei Technologies France, are proud to announce the launch of a Research Chair on advanced and intelligent wireless networks in the context of the future 6G.
Read the press release (in French only)
February 2019
ASVspoof: World-leading research institutes and IT companies are joining forces to combat voice spoofs
Together with a large team of international collaborators, EURECOM, a world-class French academic research center in the fields of data science and digital security, is working to fight the abuse of voice-based technologies and develop preventive strategies. Pooling efforts and expertise, the ASVspoof 2019 challenge (www.asvspoof.org) is currently underway, represent-ing the largest and most comprehensive evaluation of spoofing and countermeasures to date.
April 2018
Malaysia chooses French excellence to develop a Master's program in cybersecurity
The French engineering school EURECOM, the University Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) and Naval Group signed a cooperation agreement a few days ago in Kuala Lumpur to develop cybersecurity in Malaysia.
Read the press release (in French only)
February 2016
EURECOM is proud to announce that three major industrial groups have joined the OpenAirInterface Software Alliance (OSA) in 2016 – Orange, TCL Communication Technology, and Ercom – and will make up the current strategic board of the OSA. Along with the associate partners, EURECOM and the new strategic board will lay down the path for making the OSA a driving force for innovation in 5G systems.
June 2015
David Gesbert, Professor and Head of the Mobile Communications Department at EURECOM, has obtained a scholarship ERC Advanced Grant for research he conducted on wireless communication systems beyond the standard 5G. A promising funding that will allow to deeply influence the mobile communications of the future, and strengthens the quality of research conducted at EURECOM.
Read the press release (in French only)
November 2014
EURECOM announces USRP software defined radio support for OpenAirInterface, an open source LTE base station and core network (EUTRAN – eNB and EPC) software stack, enabling realtime interoperation with commercial LTE devices.
September 2013
Yves Roudier, professor at the Networks and Security Dept. of EURECOM, speaker at the 3rd meeting ESIROI ENTERPRISES in Saint-Denis de la Réunion on Friday, September 27, 2013 on the issue of information systems security.
Read the press release (in French only)
June 2013
EURECOM and the Government of the "Principauté de Monaco" announced the creation of a laboratory driven by EURECOM on digital security .
Read the press release (in French only)
March 2013
Data Protection in Europe: more than 100 Leading European Academics are taking a position. EURECOM signed document with INRIA, the CNRS, the Université de Versailles and the Institut de l’Ouest to support legislation for the protection of personal data.
Read the press release (in French only)
December 2011
A new IEEE Fellow at EURECOM : The IEEE Board of Directors elevated Prof. Jean-Luc Dugelay to IEEE Fellow, effective 1 January 2012, with the following citation: "for contributions to three dimensional imaging for security applications".
Read the press release (in French only)
October 2011
The first professional multiservicesmobile box on LTE (4G) : QuesCom, Mios and EURECOM have announced that the WL-BOX-4G project, accredited by the SCS Cluster, has been selected for funding by the interministerial funds.
September 2011
EURECOM and BMW Group Research and Technology jointly organized a workshop to present the results of their partnership: « A key collaboration in intelligent information and communications technologies for future cars ».
Read the english press release
In German
March 2011
The "Symantec Graduate Fellowship' awarded to Leyla BILGE, PhD student in the Network and Security Department at EURECOM, supervised by Davide Balzarotti.
Read the press release
Junuary 2011
David GESBERT, professor at EURECOM within the mobile communication dept., is awarded the distinction of “FELLOW” of the IEEE.
Read the press release
December 2010
The Blondel medal awarded to Jean-Luc DUGELAY. An award for a high-level researcher and professor in the Multimedia Communications Department at EURECOM.
is awarded the distinction of “FELLOW” of the IEEE.
Read the press release
October 2010
Monaco Telecom joined the industrial partners of EURECOM consortium.
Read the press release (French only)
February 2009
Norwegian University of Science and Technolgy, NTNU Trondheim, one of the most prestigious European universities, becomes a member of EURECOM consortium.
Read the press release
February 2008
Amadeus, the world’s leading provider of IT solutions for the travel and tourism industry, has signed a research partnership with EURECOM in Sophia Antipolis.
Read the press release
December 2007
A key partner for EURECOM !
Technische Universität Munchen, one of the most prestigious European universities, signed a cooperation contract with the Sophia Antipolis-based engineering school in communication systems.
Read the press release
January 2007
The German company SAP, world’s leading provider of business software, has launched a research partnership with EURECOM in Sophia Antipolis
Read the press release
June 2006
A new industrial member for EURECOM
Today, BMW Group Research and Technology has agreed a long-term joint venture with “EURECOM”
Read the press release
May 2006
EURECOM is an actor of the "Symphonie des Machines" making part of The Festival of the Fourth Dimension, the first global festival of the Art, Science and Technology to take place in Sophia Antipolis Côte d'Azur, 06-10 June 2006. The five-day festival will gather artist, philosopher, scientist, and high-tech communities from around the world to celebrate their vision of a creation beyond tradition.
Read the press release of the symphonie
Read the press release of the 4D Festival