Telecom-Paris Labs


In 2003, TELECOM Paris decided to set up two of its laboratories in EURECOM’s premises :

The reasons to move these labs from Paris to Sophia Antipolis were several :

  • The presence of EURECOM, a branch of TELECOM Paris, in Sophia Antipolis and the desire to strengthen the existing relations between these two institutions
  • The contribution that the TELECOM Paris teams could bring to EURECOM’s teaching program, particularly concerning the "Real Time and Embedded Systems" track
  • A web of local industries that are highly competent in the area of Information Technology.

The teachers-researchers from TELECOM Paris labs work in close collaboration with their EURECOM colleagues. Their research focus is in line with those selected by EURECOM :

  • Upstream, in the area of microelectronics and chips
  • Downstream, towards services and usages