Sport activities

The sports' office

The BDS (Bureau des Sports) is an active section of the EURECOM student association, Bureau des Elèves (BDE).
The BDS manages all of the students' sports activities and gives everyone the opportunity to take part in the various university tournaments.

EURECOM is the perfect opportunity to discover the real meaning of the term “SPORT” thanks to the sea and mountain activities: two environments that offer a wide array of sports to all EURECOM students.


BDS 2022-2023
BDS Committeee 2022-2023













Managed by students in close cooperation with the Student Association, the BDS was set up in 2004 to give everyone a chance to participate in university competitions with other schools in the area.

To allow students to participate in these events, half a day per week has been set aside from students’ schedules.

The BDS looks for available venues and organizes year-round championships. The local environment is ideal for all those who love skiing, hiking, diving, or playing beach volleyball. The possibilities are endless.

water activities