Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl from IMT Atlantic
COMSYS Seminar : "Increasing Cybersecurity by serious Use of the Metaverse"
Location: Eurecom Communication systems
Prof. Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl from IMT Atlantic
COMSYS Seminar : "Increasing Cybersecurity by serious Use of the Metaverse"
Location: Eurecom Communication systems
Professor Edmund Yeh from Northeastern
COMSYS TALK : " Networking for Big Data: Theory, Algorithms and Applications "
Location: Eurecom Communication systems
Alessandro Betti (Université Côte d’Azur)
DATA Talk : `Variational Approaches to Continual Online Learning''
Location: Eurecom
Thomas Eisenbarth
EURECOM SECURITY SYSTEM Talk "Isolation based protection for modern Trusted Execution Environments"
Location: Eurecom Digital Security
Pierre-Antoine Champin
“RDF goes meta: what (and what not) to expect of RDF-star”
Location: Eurecom
Dr. Maxime Ferreira Da Costa, University of Southern California
Latent Privacy via a Secret Block Structure
Location: Eurecom
Alexandra Würth (INRIA)
DATA Talk : "Data driven traffic management by macroscopic models"
Location: Eurecom Data Science
Fabian M. Suchanek (Telecom Paris)
DATA Talk : ``A hitchhiker’s guide to Ontology''
Location: Eurecom Data Science