Michael Kampffmeyer Associate Professor and Head of the Machine Learning Group at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
DATA TALK "Deep Multi-view Clustering"
Location: Eurecom Data Science
Michael Kampffmeyer Associate Professor and Head of the Machine Learning Group at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
DATA TALK "Deep Multi-view Clustering"
Location: Eurecom Data Science
Seth Flaxman Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
Location: Eurecom Data Science
Rashmi Vinayak Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University
COMSYS TALK : " Disk-adaptive Coding for Distributed Storage: Theory and Systems "
Location: Eurecom Communication systems
Maxime Guillaud Senior Research Fellow (Directeur de recherche) at INRIA in Lyon, France
COMSYS TALK :“Wireless Channel Charting for Massive MIMO”
Location: Eurecom Communication systems
Masaki Adachi
Machine Learning for Science via Fast Bayesian Optimisation and Quadrature
Location: Eurecom Data Science
Luca Ragazzi
Long and Multi-Document Abstractive Summarization in Low-Resource Regimes
Location: Eurecom Data Science
"RMC-PVC: A Multi-Client Reusable Verifiable Computation Protocol "
Location: Eurecom Digital Security
Professor Florian Kerschbaum
EURECOM Seminar: " Selected Problems in Security and Privacy of Data Science "
Location: Eurecom Digital Security