Dr. Zecchin Matteo Postdoctoral Research Associate at the King's Communications, Learning & Information Processing lab at King’s College London
Location: Eurecom Communication systems
Dr. Zecchin Matteo Postdoctoral Research Associate at the King's Communications, Learning & Information Processing lab at King’s College London
Location: Eurecom Communication systems
Prof. DI PIETRO Roberto
Location: Eurecom Digital Security
Alexandre Bartel, Professor in the Department of Computing Science at Umeå University, Sweden
EURECOM SECU Seminar : "Java Security: Should we Care?"
Location: Eurecom Digital Security
Markus Heinonen from Aalto
DATA TALK :“Efficient Bayesian neural networks with node parameterization”
Location: Eurecom Data Science
Miretti, Lorenzo Dr.
Modern Signal Processing for Cell-free Massive MIMO
Location: Eurecom Communication systems
Sumit Roy
COMSYS TALK :“Towards Automotive Radar Networks for Enhanced Detection/Cognition”
Location: Eurecom Communication systems
Yuto Miyatake (Osaka University, Japan)
"Isotonic regression for quantifying the error in numerical integration of differential equations"
Location: Eurecom Data Science
Dr. Halima Mouhib
DATA Talk : `Towards Digitizing the Sense of Smell ''
Location: Eurecom Data Science