TRONCY Raphaël

  • TRONCY Raphaël
  • EURECOM - Data Science
  • Assistant professor
  • 8242
  • 431


  • Research Fellow in the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), 2006-2009, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

  • ERCIM Fellow in the National Research Council (CNR), 2005, Pisa (Italy) and in the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), 2006, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, Systems and Communications, 2004, University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (France), CIFRE between INA and INRIA


  • From 2000 till 2004, he worked for the National Institute of Audio-visual (INA) in Paris where he did his PhD with INRIA funded by a CIFRE Fellowship.