Current Research Topics
- Transmitter and receiver design for 4G/5G systems, with multiple antennas / users / cells, partial Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT), interference management, Massive MIMO, cognitive radio, full duplex radio, localization
- Large random matrices, multi-antenna stochastic geometry
- Audio signal processing: acoustic echo cancelation, dereverberation, source separation
- Joint Wiener filtering and parameter estimation, empirical and variational Bayesian techniques, message passing, compressive sensing, sparse Bayesian learning
Current Research Interest
His research interests include DSP for Mobile Communications (antenna arrays for (semi-blind) equalization/interference cancellation and spatial division multiple access, space-time processing and coding, channel estimation) and adaptation techniques for audio processing
Current Research Memberships
He was an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, EURASIP Signal Processing journal, and currently of the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing.
He has been an elected member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Technical Committee (TC) on Signal Processing for Communications and Networking and predecessor TCs for 20 years, and an elected member of the IEEE SPS Awards Board 2011-2013.
In 20 years, he has graduated 30 PhD students, 9 of which are in academia (6 professors), and about 10 others are in research in industry.
His research led to: h index: 34, total citations: 5200, 10 book chapters, 40 journal papers, 350 conference papers.