• SLOCK Dirk
  • EURECOM - Communication systems
  • Professor
  • 8106
  • 337


  • He has taught speech coding for mobile communications, signal modeling and coding, radio engineering, advanced topics, and currently teaches statistical signal processing and signal processing techniques for wireless and wireline communications.

Sujets de Recherche

  • Transmitter and receiver design for 4G/5G systems, with multiple antennas / users / cells, partial Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT), interference management, Massive MIMO, cognitive radio, full duplex radio, localization
  • Large random matrices, multi-antenna stochastic geometry
  • Audio signal processing: acoustic echo cancelation, dereverberation, source separation
  • Joint Wiener filtering and parameter estimation, empirical and variational Bayesian techniques, message passing, compressive sensing, sparse Bayesian learning

Selection de Publications