Uplink channel access techniques for mix machines/human traffic in LTE/LTE-A systems
Scheduling schemes applicable to evolving cellular systems as well as adhoc/mesh network
Large scale wireless network emulation architectures and HW/SW CPU/GPU co-design
Experimentation and performance evaluation in LTE/LTE-A using OpenAirInterface.org
Intérêts de recherche
L2/L3 protocol design for cellular and adhoc network topologies
Feasibility studies and performance evaluation for state-of-the-art theoretical advances in wireless access technologies and networking protocols applicable to evolving cellular technologies (LTE/LTE-Advanced) and rapidly-deployable mesh/adhoc networks.
Design and development of real-time large-scale emulation platform in wireless protocols based on OpenAirInterface, an open-source initiative created by EURECOM which distributes the developments of the group to the public-domain.
IEEE Member, and guest editor of the "Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT)", 2012, on the topic of "Machine-to-Machine: An Emerging Communication Paradigm".
He has been on the technical program committee of several major IEEE conferences/journals.