The research project allows students to apply the skills acquired during their training. Supervised by a teacher, it puts students in a situation where they are working on concrete research and development projects, in line with current industrial or research topics.
Teaching and Learning Methods:
- Choice of the project from a wide list of proposals at the beginning of the semester
- Research and development project in small groups
- Pedagogical supervision by a teacher
- Independent work and regular progress reviews
Course Policies:
- The project represents 100 hours of actual work.
- The detailed deliverables are defined for each project by the referent teacher.
The bibliography depends on the project.
Master 1 level.
The research projects are usually in response to industrial needs. At the beginning of the semester, students make a list of choices from a list of projects proposed by the professors.
Supervised research projects are based on real case studies of industrial interest. They combine a mix of theoretical and practical work (developing new prototypes and tools, testing new technologies, assessment of current systems and solutions…). Students can work individually or in groups of 2/3. The expected workload is 100 hours of individual work per semester. A defence is organized at the end. The projects provide students with practical skills by allowing them to put concepts into practice.
Learning Outcomes:
- Be autonomous in solving a technical problem
- Be able to search for information and write a bibliography
- Be able to mobilize a range of skills to analyze, specify and develop solutions to a technical problem
- Be able to apply project management techniques to deliver results on time
- Be able to present the results of the project orally and in writing in English
Nb hours: 100,00
- Project management: coeff 1
- Study of the problem: coeff 2
- Results: coeff 2
- Oral defence: coeff 1
- Written report: coeff 1