Signal detection for ultra-massive MIMO: An information geometry approach

Yang, Jiyuan; Chen, Yan; Gao, Xiqi; Slock, Dirk; Xia, Xiang-Gen
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 29 January 2024

In this paper, we propose an information geometry approach (IGA) for signal detection (SD) in ultra-massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. We formulate the signal detection as obtaining the marginals of the a posteriori probability distribution of the transmitted symbol vector. Then, a maximization of the a posteriori marginals (MPM) for signal detection can be performed. With the information geometry theory, we calculate the approximations of the a posteriori marginals. It is formulated as an iterative m-projection process between submanifolds with different constraints. We then apply the central-limit-theorem (CLT) to simplify the calculation of the m-projection since the direct calculation of the m-projection is of exponential-complexity. With the CLT, we obtain an approximate solution of the m-projection, which is asymptotically accurate. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed IGASD emerges as a promising and efficient method to implement the signal detector in ultra-massive MIMO systems. 

Communication systems
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