Spoofing attacks in automatic speaker verification: analysis and countermeasures

Li, Haizhou; Patil, Hemant A.; Evans, Nicholas
INTERSPEECH 2018, 19th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, September 2-6, 2018, Hyderabad, India

Speech is the most natural means of communication between humans. Speech signals carry various levels of information, such as linguistic content, emotion, the acoustic environment, language, the speaker's identity and their health condition, etc. Automatic speaker recognition technologies aim to verify or identify a speaker using recordings of his/her voice. In practice, automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems should be robust to nuisance variation such as differences in the microphone and transmission channel, intersession variability, acoustic noise, speaker ageing, etc. Significant effort invested over the last three decades has been tremendously successful in developing technologies to compensate for such nuisance variation, thereby improving the reliability of ASV systems in a multitude of diverse application scenarios. In a number of these, specifically those relating to authentication applications, reliability can still be compromised as a result of spoofing attacks whereby fraudsters can gain illegitimate access to protected resources or facilities through the presentation of specially crafted speech signals that reflect the characteristics of another, enrolled person's voice. ASV systems should be resilient to such malicious spoofing attacks. This tutorial presents a treatment of the issues concerning the robustness and security of an ASV system in the face of spoofing attacks. We also discuss current research trends and progress in developing anti-spoofing countermeasures to protect against attacks derived from voice conversion, speech synthesis, replay, twins (which has more malicious nature in attacking ASV systems and also called as twin's fraud in biometrics literature) and professional mimics. The tutorial will give an overview of the risk and technological challenges associated with each form of attack in addition to an overview of the two internationally competitive ASVspoof challenges held as special sessions at INTERSPEECH 2015 and INTERSPEECH 2017. The tutorial will conclude with a summary of the current state-of-the-art in the field and a discussion of future research directions.

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© ISCA. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in INTERSPEECH 2018, 19th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, September 2-6, 2018, Hyderabad, India and is available at :
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