The main result of this work is that an orthogonal access scheme such as TDMA achieves the all-unicast degrees of freedom (DoF) region of the topological interference management (TIM) problem if and only if the network topology graph is chordal bipartite, i.e., every cycle that can contain a chord, does contain a chord. The all-unicast DoF region includes the DoF region for any arbitrary choice of a unicast message set, so e.g., the results of Maleki and Jafar on the optimality of orthogonal access for the sum-DoF of one-dimensional convex networks are recovered as a special case. The result is also established for the corresponding topological representation of the index coding problem.
TDMA is optimal for all-unicast DoF region of TIM if and only if topology is chordal bipartite
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (Vol.64, N°3), March 2018
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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