WCNC 2014, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 6-9 April 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
There is general consensus that any attempt to meaningfully improve the current performance of wireless communications, must surpass two fundamental challenges; the challenge of inventing communication schemes that properly manage interference, and the challenge of efficiently disseminating and utilizing feedback that may be delayed and imperfect. In the center of this effort, are revolutionary new algorithms that employ multiple antennas; an approach that continues to offer paradigm shifts in wireless communications and penetrate its standards.
The tutorial will provide an overview of the latest efforts to design such new schemes that manage to handle multiuser interference, as well as the latest efforts in understanding and meeting the fundamental learning-vs-using tradeoff; i.e., the latest efforts on finding ways to manage interference in the presence of reduced and delayed feedback. In the process, the tutorial will touch upon many new methods used over many different settings relating to multi-user (MU) MIMO in single and multiple cells, and hetnets. We elaborate on the design of spatial(-temporal) communication schemes, the concepts of signal space/scale Interference Alignment (IA), (Delayed) Channel State Information at the Transmitter (D-CSIT), channel training and feedback overhead, ergodic and retrospective IA.
This tutorial will focus on providing an insightful exposition of the latest exciting findings, as well as will place heavy emphasis on exposing new challenges and open questions.
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
© EURECOM. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in WCNC 2014, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 6-9 April 2014, Istanbul, Turkey and is available at :
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