Orthogonal linear beamforming in MIMO broadcast channels

de Francisco, Ruben;Kountouris, Marios;Slock, Dirk T M;Gesbert, David
WCNC 2007, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, March 11-15, 2007, Hong-Kong

The problem of joint linear beamforming and scheduling in a MIMO broadcast channel is considered. We show how Orthogonal Linear Beamforming (OLBF) can be efficiently combined with a low-complexity user selection algorithm to achieve a large portion of the multiuser capacity. The use of orthogonal transmission enables the transmitter to calculate exact signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) values during the user selection process. The knowledge of multiuser interference proves to be of particular importance for user scheduling as both the number of users in the cell and the average signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) decrease. The sum capacity of our scheme is characterized in the low-SNR regime, providing analytical results on the performance gain over Zero-Forcing Beamforming (ZFBF). Numerical results show gains over both suboptimal and optimal ZFBF techniques in different scenarios.

Communication systems
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