Identity-based message authentication for dynamic networks

Michiardi, Pietro;Molva, Refik
IFIP SEC 2006, 21st IFIP International Information Security Conference, Security and Privacy in Dynamic Environments, May 22-24, 2006, Karlstad, Sweden

This paper presents a message authentication scheme built on top of an original construct that combines a simple form of identity based cryptography with an iterated version of RSA. Our scheme blends the features of identity based cryptography and stream authentication while at the same time o®ering security comparable to that of the

basic RSA cryptosystem. As opposed to other authentication schemes

available in the literature, our solution does not rely on any public key infrastructure and, like any identity based cryptosystems, it does not require public key certi¯cates. A basic security analysis, performance evaluation and storage requirements of our scheme are also provided in the

paper. Furthermore, we explore a challenging application of our scheme: a scalable and lightweight key distribution service that o®ers authentication services to an infrastructure-less ad hoc network and that can be coupled with existing secure routing solutions.

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© IFIP. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in IFIP SEC 2006, 21st IFIP International Information Security Conference, Security and Privacy in Dynamic Environments, May 22-24, 2006, Karlstad, Sweden and is available at :