- Zecchin Matteo is currently a PhD student within the WindMill Eureopean Training Network (ETN) project and a member of the Communication System department at EURECOM under the supervision of Professors David Gesbert and Marios Kountouris. He is currently interested in machine learning applications to wireless systems to address the problem of coordination.
- He received his B.Sc. with honors in "Information Engineering" from University of Padova in 2017 with the thesis work "Numerical Evaluation of Coding Bound in the Finite-Blocklength Regime"
- In 2019 he received the M.Sc. with honors in "Communication Engineering" and "ICT for Internet & Multimedia" from the National Taiwan University and the University of Padova respectively. His Master's Thesis work aimed at characterizing the capacity region of the erasure broadcast channel with heterogeneous feedback and was carried out under the supervision of professor I-Hsiang Wang.