• SCHMIDT Robert
  • EURECOM - Oai
  • engineer OAI


  • Since November 2017, Robert Schmidt works as a PhD student in the Communication Systems department at EURECOM in Sophia-Antipolis, France, under the supervision of Navid Nikaein.
  • He obtained a diploma with distinction in Information Systems Engineering from Dresden University of Technology, Germany, in 2017 as well as a Diploma in Engineering from Ecole Centrale Paris/CentraleSupélec (double degree programme TIME).
  • In 2017, he worked as a research engineer at TU Dresden on implementing an MOCN scenario in OpenAirInterface.
  • The subject of his Diploma thesis was "Spectrum Sharing in Future Cellular Wireless Networks: System-Level Simulations using ns-3" under the supervision of Eduard Jorswieck from the Chair of Communications Theory of TU Dresden.