ÖNEN Melek

  • ÖNEN Melek
  • EURECOM - Digital Security
  • Assistant-Professor classe 1
  • onen@eurecom.fr
  • 8209
  • 391
  • http://www.eurecom.fr/~onen

Current Research Topics

  • Applied cryptography
  • Cloud security
  • Security and Privacy for Big Data and Machine Learning
  • IoT Security 

Current Research Interest

  • Design of cryptographic solution for the privacy and condidentiality of sensitive data for various applications and protocols such as cloud computing, IoT or recently Big Data (with a specific interest on privacy preserving machine learning techniques).
  • Principal Investigator for several EU H2020 projects on cloud secruity and user centric privacy: A4Cloud, UCN, CLARUS, Uprise-IoT and TREDISEC (as Scientific Director).