• MOLVA Refik
  • EURECOM - Digital Security
  • Professor Emeritus

Sujets de Recherche

  • Design and analysis of security mechanisms and cryptographic protocols
  • Confidentiality and integrity in cloud computing
  • Privacy-preserving mechanisms for user-centric data management

Intérêts de recherche

  • His major interests are applied cryptography and design of security protocols and privacy-preserving mechanisms for networks and distributed systems.
  • He has been responsible for several research projects on multicast key management and authentication, mobile network security, anonymity, intrusion detection, right management, and privacy in on-line social networks.
  • Beside security, he worked on distributed multimedia applications over high speed networks and on network interconnection.


  • He sat in several expert committees for the European Commission and French National organizations such as RNRT, ACI Sécurité, AERES and in scientific committees for various academic institutions.
  • He has been the PC chair for IEEE ICC Security Symposium, Securecomm, the general chair for ESORICS and RAID, and PC chair for several workshops as well as a program committee member numerous conferences in security and networking including ACM CCS, IEEE INFOCOM, ACM SIGCOMM, IEEE ICDCS, ACM ASIA CCS, and ESORICS.
  • He is a member of the editorial board for "Computer Networks", "Computer Communications", "Pervasive and Mobile Computing" Journal, and the "International Journal of Information Security".