Design and analysis of security mechanisms and cryptographic protocols
Confidentiality and integrity in cloud computing
Privacy-preserving mechanisms for user-centric data management
Intérêts de recherche
His major interests are applied cryptography and design of security protocols and privacy-preserving mechanisms for networks and distributed systems.
He has been responsible for several research projects on multicast key management and authentication, mobile network security, anonymity, intrusion detection, right management, and privacy in on-line social networks.
Beside security, he worked on distributed multimedia applications over high speed networks and on network interconnection.
He sat in several expert committees for the European Commission and French National organizations such as RNRT, ACI Sécurité, AERES and in scientific committees for various academic institutions.
He has been the PC chair for IEEE ICC Security Symposium, Securecomm, the general chair for ESORICS and RAID, and PC chair for several workshops as well as a program committee member numerous conferences in security and networking including ACM CCS, IEEE INFOCOM, ACM SIGCOMM, IEEE ICDCS, ACM ASIA CCS, and ESORICS.
He is a member of the editorial board for "Computer Networks", "Computer Communications", "Pervasive and Mobile Computing" Journal, and the "International Journal of Information Security".