Person has left EURECOM


  • Marco Milanesio obtained a Master degree in Computer Science in 2004 and a ``Laurea Magistrale'' degree in ``Metodologie e Sistemi Informatici'' in 2006. He obtained in november 2006 the italian habilitation to professional activity of ``Ingegnere dell'Informazione'' cat. A.
  • He worked as a research assistant in the Department of Computer Science, University of Turin from May 2010 to January 2011. He received his Ph.D. in computer science in the same department in 2010, with a thesis regarding a secure routing infrastructure for structure p2p systems to cope with a large spectrum of safety requirements and to avoid most attacks such networks.
  • In February 2011, he joined EURECOM as a research engineer working under the supervision of Prof. Ernst Biersack.
  • He works within the FP7 project Figaro on backup systems in the context of home networks.