MATZAKOS Panagiotis

Person has left EURECOM
  • MATZAKOS Panagiotis


  • Panagiotis Matzakos was born in Athens, Greece in 1986.
  • He received his Diploma in Electronic  and Computer Engineering, with a specialization in Telecommunications, from the Technical University of Crete in 2010. His Diploma thesis entitled: "Implementation and Performance Evaluation of the 802.11 CSMA/CA Protocol in Software Defined Radio" was supervised by  Prof. Athanasios P. Liavas.
  • He obtained his Master of Science degree from EURECOM in Mobile Communications in January 2013. His Master thesis entitled: "Implementation and Testing of Heterogeneous Cooperative Communication for Intelligent Transportation Systems under iTETRIS Platform " was performed in the context of a research contract between EURECOM and Orange Labs and was supervised by Assistant Prof. Jérôme Haerri.
  • In March 2013 he joined the Department of Mobile Communications, EURECOM, as a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Christian Bonnet.
  • His current research interests include Transport and Network Layer issues for challenging Mobile Network environments as well as Vehicular Communications under Heterogeneous Networks.