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- EURECOM - Director's Office
- Director
- 04 93 00 81 02
- 016
Current Research Topics
Advanced mobile networks
Signal processing and communication theory
Information theory
Machine learning for communications
Connected robotics
Current Research Interest
David Gesbert heads EURECOM's Communication Systems Department and "Foundations and Algorithms" Group
His research activities are in the area of theory and design of communication systems, multi-user MIMO systems, cooperative transmission
At the MAC layer focus is on scheduling algorithms with full and partial channel state information
Finally, at the network level, major interest is on distributed multi-cell scheduling and resource allocation, self-organizing wireless networks
Current Research Memberships
He co-edited five special issues of journals in wireless communications
He served two terms in the IEEE Signal Processing for Communications Technical Committee
He's an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
He was co-organizer and technical chair of several research symposia
D. Gesbert is a Fellow Member of the IEEE