After spending 2 years in the « classes preparatoires » at Pierre de Fermat High School, Toulouse, Monir AZRAOUI has been accepted at Telecom ParisTech in September 2008. He chose to follow the course at Sophia Antipolis and hence, since September 2009, he entered EURECOM as an engineer student. He followed the Communication Systems Security track with interest in Multimedia too.
Besides he made in 2010 a summer internship and his Master project within the Multimedia department on the topic of Cap Detection for stadium videosurveillance.
In March 2011, he joined BMW Group Research and Technology, Munich, as part of his 6-month research internship. He realized a study about the security of the communications between a smartphone and the "connected" car.
Graduated in September 2011, he became first a consultant in security of information systems in a consulting company in Paris.
In September 2012, with the wish to go into Research, he decided to specialize in applied cryptography. He is currently a Ph.D student under the supervision on Refik MOLVA. His research topic deals with Security and Privacy for Cloud Computing.
In 2011, he worked as an information system security consultant at Beijaflore, a consulting company in Paris. He especially worked on Industrial System Security and held a mission at BNP Paribas, Montreuil, within the internal PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) support team.