• AGHELI Pouya
  • EURECOM - Communication systems
  • doctoral student
  • 8144
  • 420


  • Pouya Agheli is currently a Ph.D. student at the Communication Systems Department of EURECOM / Sorbonne University under the supervision of Prof. Marios Kountouris. He is working on Semantic Communications within the ERC Consolidator Grants (project SONATA).
  • In 2021, he received his Master's degree in Electrical Engineering - Communication Systems from the Amrikabir University of Technology in IRAN. His thesis, entitled "Analysis and optimization of achievable sum-rate in distributed MIMO wireless networks with optical fronthaul links," was carried out jointly in the ICTL and OpticNet research groups.
  • In 2018, he received his Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering - Communications from the University of Tabriz in IRAN. His thesis project, entitled "Building adaptive IoT-based wireless transceivers under LoRaWAN, ZigBee, and IEEE802.11 protocols," was built in the WiLab research group.