Disaggregated 5G/6G Hardware/Software Computing Architectures

Post-Doctoral / Research Engineer Position M/F (Reference: CS/RK/6G/PostDoc/032023)

In the context of a running Horizon Europe project, CoreNext - https://www.barkhauseninstitut.org/en/corenext-trustworthiness-and-sust…, EURECOM is engaged alongside academic and industrial partners to devise EU-sovereign computing and communications technologies for 5G/6G disaggregated networking components. For EURECOM, this will involve evolution of OpenAirInterface (OAI) 5G prototyping software solutions to encorporate new hardware accelerator technologies such as those found on current generation DPU.  Porting of OAI to open-hardware architectures such as RISC-V will be coupled with acceleration solutions from partners both for baseband and user-plane packet processing functions. Trustworthy solutions for multi-vendor/tentant data-center deployments will be targeted. Candidates will be expected to produce cutting-edge prototyping solutions and disseminate in the highest quality IEEE/ACM conferences and journals.


  • Education Level / Degree: Masters Degree in Electrical or Computer Engineering. A PhD in a related area is clearly mandatory for post-doctoral candidates.
  • Field / specialty: Telecommunications
  • Technologies: Radio signal processing and/or real-time packet processing and familiarity with 3GPP-based systems, High-Speed Networking, Modern Software Engineering tools, Data Center Technologies.
  • Languages / systems: C/C++, Linux development and prototyping environments
  • Other skills / specialties: Project Management, 4G/5G radio-access and/or core network protocols.
  • Other important elements: Fluency in written and spoken English


The application must include :

  • Curriculum Vitae including a list of scientific publications
  • Motivation letter of two pages also presenting the perspectives of research and education

Applications should be submitted by e-mail to secretariat@eurecom.fr with the reference :

Start date: ASAP
Fixed Term Contract 18 months maximum


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