Mobility Modeling

(Course for Post Master and International Master students only).

The module teaches state-of-the-art of the ling techniques for vehicular mobility. The objectives are first to describe the challenges of close-to-reality random models for vehicular mobility, then to introduce the concepts of vehicular traffic flow models and Origin-Destination (O-D) Matrices for trip and path planning. Finally, it trains on best practices to apply these concepts for realistic vehicular traffic modeling on vehicular traffic simulators.

Teaching and Learning Methods: Lectures and lab. sessions (group of 2 students).

Course Policies: Attendance to the lab. sessions are mandatory.

  • Book: HÄRRI J., Vehicular Mobility Modeling for VANETVANET Vehicular Applications and Inter-Networking Technologies, Hannes Hartenstein (Editor), Kenneth Laberteaux (Editor), ISBN: 978-0-470-74056-9, January 2010, chapter 5, pp. 107-156
  • Book: UPPOOR S., FIORE M., HÄRRI J. Synthetic mobility traces for vehicular networking, in Book chapter N.6 in "Vehicular Networks: Models and Algorithms"; Beylot, André-Luc and Labiod, Houda (Eds), Wiley, ISBN: 978848214897, 2013.


Basic Calculus Knowledge.


Random Mobility Modeling

  • Random Waypoint
  • Steady-State Distribution & Palm Theory

Vehicular Flow Modeling

  • Micro-, Meso-, Macro- Modeling
  • Fundamental Flow Diagrams

Vehicular Traffic Modeling

  • Trip & Path Planning
  • O-D matrices

Advanced Topics:

  • Analysis of Mobility Patterns & Impact on Communications
  • Behavioral Mobility Models
  • Pedestrian, Motorcycles, non-physical models…

Learning outcome:  

  • To be able to analyze the basic properties of random mobility
  • To be able to understand vehicular traffic flow modeling & vehicular trip planning
  • To be able to apply these concepts for realistic scenario design and analysis on traffic simulators

Nb hours: 21.00


  • Lab. reports (50 % of the final grade),
  • Final exam (50 % of the final grade).