Emulation and simulation methodologies


(Course for Post Master and International Masters students only).

This module teaches the fundamentals of simulation and emulation methodologies guiding on how to design a performance evaluation campaign, set up a test scenario, select the appropriate models, level of granularity, metrics for statistical correctness, and discuss the differences between simulation and emulation platforms and how to use them for accurate performance evaluation of communications for ITS.

Teaching and Learning Methods: Lectures and lab. sessions (group of 2 students).

Course Policies:  Attendance to the lab. sessions are mandatory.

  • Book: LAW A. Simulation, Modeling and Analysis. 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007, 800p.
  • Book: BANKS J., CARSON J., NELSON B., NICOL D. Discrete-Event System Simulation. 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2005.
  • Book: PRESS W. H., TEUKOLSKY S. A., VETTERLING W. T., FLANNERY B. P.Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing Third Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2007, 1256 p. 
  • Book: KNUTH D. E. The Art of Computer Programming – Vol. 2 – Seminumerical Algorithms. 3rd Edition, Wiley & Sons, 1998.

  • Basic Statistic knowledge
  • Labs: basic C++ and Bash knowledge


Discrete Event Simulations

  • System under Test (SuT) modeling
  • Models & State modeling

Random Number Generations

  • Pseudo-random generators
  • Random Variable Generation

Statistical Analysis

  • Statistical Inference
  • Confidence Intervals
  • Hypothesis Testing

Selected Simulation & Emulation Platform

  • Network Simulators – ns3
  • Traffic Simulators – SUMO
  • C-ITS Simulation Platform - iTETRIS
  • C-ITS Experimentation Platform - Cohda Wireless MK5

Learning outcomes:  

  • To be able to design accurate methodologies for simulation and emulation studies.
  • To be able to analyze results and draw statistically significant conclusions.
  • To be able to use state-of-art C-ITS simulation, emulation or experimental platforms.

Nb hours: 21.00


  • Lab. reports (50 % of the final grade)
  • Final exam (50 % of the final grade)