Engineering studies (Exchange Students)

This curriculum is designed for EXCHANGE STUDENTS only (from Télécom Paris, IMT Atlantique, Telecom SudParis and international academic partners)

EURECOM teaches at the graduate level (masters and doctorate).

The language of studies is English


The studies are divided into semesters with the possibility to study at EURECOM for one to four semesters depending on the agreement with the home university.

For more information about the organisation of the curriculum and examinations, please refer to the academic regulations related to your study period at EURECOM (please see column on the right)

  • Each semester is equivalent to 30 credits.
  • This system gives greater flexibility in the choice of courses and planning of the curriculum for students.
  • One half-day per week is devoted to sports and cultural activities (Thursday afternoon) so that students can take part in sports activities).

STUDY Tracks

To help students select their courses, the curriculum is organized around  5 teaching tracks.

COURSES modules

  • Technical Modules

A catalog of about 50 technical modules is offered.

  • General teaching

A catalog of about 10 non-technical modules is offered.

  • Foreign languages

Because of the diversity of the nationalities represented at EURECOM, language classes are offered based on the level and number of students interested. Seven languages are generally offered: German, English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and French.

Engineering internship

For 18 and 24 month study programs at EURECOM, a six-month internship in a company is mandatory. EURECOM provides students with a database of internship offers. 



A set number of credits are granted for each type of course (classes, project or professional thesis).

To receive credits, students need to take an examination and obtain at least 10/20. The grading scale for the courses is as follows:


A+ 18-20
A 16-18
B 14-15
C 12-13
D 11
E 10
F, Fail 0-9


If your grade is minimum 10 and above, you get the maximum number of credit alloted to the course. Grade 0 to 9.5 means you have not passed the examination and you do not get any credit. Examinations can be retaken during a specific period.
The final grade of the course can be based on a final examination, or it can be based on a combination of a final examination and course work. At the beginning of each course, professors explain how students will be evaluated. Students have to register to each specific course at the beginning of each term to be able to take the examination. All information will be delivered during the "Welcome Day" before the start of each term.