Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany - Director's Office
Date: - Location: Eurecom
Bio: Max Mühlhäuser is a full professor at Technical University of Darmstadt and head of the Telecooperation Lab. He holds key positions in several large collaborative research centers and is leading the Doctoral School on Privacy and Trust for Mobile Users. He and his lab members conduct research on Human Computer Interaction, the future Internet, Intelligent Systems, and Cybersecurity including Privacy & Trust. Max founded and managed industrial research centers, and worked as either professor or visiting professor at universities in Germany, the US, Canada, Australia, France, and Austria. He published over 700 peer-reviewed articles and is a member of acatech, the German Academy of the Technical Sciences. Max was and is active in numerous conference program committees, as organizer of several annual conferences, and as a member of editorial boards or a Guest Editor for journals such as ACM IMWUT, ACM ToIT, Pervasive Computing, ACM Multimedia, and Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Abstract: Virtual and Augmented Reality (AR/VR) are prime candidates for adequately interacting with our converging digital-physical world (more dramatically coined as the merger of bits and atoms). However, with the exception of VR games, today's AR/VR applications and underlying technology deliver a user experience that leaves much to be desired. This is particularly true for out-door and on-the-move usage. The talk will present important steps towards more encompassing AR/VR approaches that aim at improving the immersive experience of users. The presenter will showcase various technologies and interaction concepts from his lab that constitute tried and tested realizations of these steps. Most of these research projects comprise hardware and software, novel interaction concepts, and extensive, carefully designed user studies. One set of projects in this context puts particular emphasis on Smart Cities. For this approach, which leverages time-series of 3D AR/VR scenes, the "pipeline" from computer vision to AR/VR based interaction will be sketched and the application potential will be discussed.