In the rapidly evolving world of computing, resource management within the cloud-edge continuum needs to be efficient and secure. The Agile and Cognitive Cloud Edge Continuum (CEC) management (AC3) project addresses this need by devising a novel architecture to orchestrate and manage micro-service-based applications over the CEC infrastructure. AC3’s architecture features three planes: the User plane for Application Develop-ers (ADs), the Management plane for application and resource orchestration, and the Infrastructure plane for dynamic infrastructure, enabling Cloud Edge Computing Continuum Manager (CECCM) owners with autonomy and emphasizing data excellence through its Data Man-agement (DM) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). This paper leverages the AC3’s framework by focusing on security and trust mechanisms within the CECCM. It examines the interactions between ADs, infrastructure providers (InfPs), and CECCM, highlighting AC3’s comprehensive approach to robust security and trust within the CECC ecosystem.
Security and trust management in cloud edge continuum: AC3 project approach
CAMAD 2024, IEEE 29th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, 21-23 October 2024, Athens, Greece
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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