The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most important technologies in our current world. It is composed of connected devices with sensors and processing abilities, all connected to a single platform that orchestrates them. The integration of these IoT devices into many real-life applications (eg., transportation, industries, ...) implies significant performance and efficiency improvements. As a consequence, we have seen a boom in the number of IoT devices deployed and their corresponding platforms. These IoT devices use real-time data from their deployment environment and send them to the platform. The collected data by these devices often consist of sensitive information belonging to the individual who uses this technology. Hence, the privacy of users' data is one of the important concerns in IoT. Moreover, IoT applications rely on automating frequent tasks to achieve better efficiency. Unfortunately, moving control of usually human-controlled operations to the IoT presents some non-negligible risks to the safety of IoT users. This thesis deals with the privacy and safety concerns raised by IoT. We propose security protocols that preserve the privacy of the users' data. In addition to privacy, we design verifiable solutions that guarantee the correctness of the computations performed by the IoT devices and the platform and hence increase trust toward this technology. We design these solutions while focusing on their performance. More precisely, we propose protocols that are scalable to cope with the increasing number of IoT devices. We also consider protocols that are fault-tolerant to cope with the frequent dropouts of IoT devices. We particularly focus on two security protocols: Secure Aggregation and Remote Attestation. Secure aggregation is a protocol where an aggregator computes the sum of the private inputs of a set of users. In this thesis, we propose the first verifiable secure aggregation protocol (VSA) that gives formal guarantees of security in the malicious model. Our solution preserves the privacy of users' inputs and the correctness of the aggregation result. Moreover, we propose a novel fault-tolerant secure aggregation protocol (FTSA) based on additively-homomorphic encryption. The scheme allows users in secure aggregation to drop from the protocol and offers a mechanism to recover the aggregate without affecting the privacy of the data. We show that FTSA outperforms the state-of-the-art solutions in terms of scalability with respect to the number of users. On the other hand, a remote attestation protocol is a protocol that allows an IoT device (acting as a prover) to prove its software integrity to the IoT platform (acting as the verifier). We propose a new collaborative remote attestation protocol (FADIA) in which devices collect attestations from each other and aggregate them. FADIA deals with the heterogeneity and dynamic nature of IoT by considering fairness in its design. The evaluation of FADIA shows an increase in the lifetime of the overall network.
Performance and verifiability of IOT security protocols
Digital Security
Eurecom Ref:
© EURECOM. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Thesis and is available at :
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