Multi-user separable function computation, and the deep connections with coding theory, topology and compressed sensing

Elia, Petros
CCDWN 2022, Keynote speech, 6th Caching, Computing and Delivery in Wireless Networks Workshop, co-located with the 20th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2022), 19-22 September 2022. Turin, Italy

In this work, we investigate the problem of multi-user linearly separable computation, where various servers help compute the desired functions of various users while each desired function can be written as a linear combination of several (generally non-linear) sub-functions. Each server computes some of the subtasks, and communicates a linear combination of its computed outputs (files) to some of the users, where each user then linearly combines its received data in order to recover its desired function. We explore the classical problem of the tradeoff between computation and communication cost, and we establish novel relationships with coding theory and compressed sensing.

Communication systems
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