Active annotations of web pages

Hummes, Jakob;Karsenty, Alain;Mérialdo, Bernard
Voting, Rating, Annotation: approaches and first experiences, edited by R. Alton-Scheidl, R. Schmutzer, P. Sint, G. Tscherteu, Publisher Oldenburg Verlag, München, Germany, 1997

The World Wide Web (WWW) incorporates a huge potential for collaborative wor k-ing.

This paper focuses on Web page annotations that can enhance group-working on

the Web drastically.

A model of Web page annotations is introduced that defines relations between the us-ers,

the Web pages and their annotations. It is taken together with technological re-strictions

of existing approaches to form a taxonomy and an overview of the state of

the art.

Our « active annotations » approach results from the observation that in current im-plementations

the temporal relations are left out. Active annotations are focused on

synchronous notification mechanisms within the Web and are implemented in the

platform-independent language Java. Their purpose is to support collaborative work

within small groups.

Data Science
Eurecom Ref:
© Oldenburg Verlag. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Voting, Rating, Annotation: approaches and first experiences, edited by R. Alton-Scheidl, R. Schmutzer, P. Sint, G. Tscherteu, Publisher Oldenburg Verlag, München, Germany, 1997 and is available at :