Explainable fact checking for statistical and property claims

Papotti, Paolo

Misinformation is an important problem but fact checkers are overwhelmed by the amount of false content that is produced online every day. To support fact checkers in their efforts, we are creating data driven verification methods that use structured datasets to assess claims and explain their decisions. For statistical claims, we translate text claims into SQL queries on relational databases. We exploit text classifiers to propose validation queries to the users and rely on tentative execution of query candidates to narrow down the set of alternatives. The verification process is controlled by a cost-based optimizer that considers expected verification overheads and the expected claim utility as training samples. For property claims, we use the rich semantics in knowledge graphs (KGs) to verify claims and produce explanations. As information in a KG is inevitably incomplete, we rely on rule discovery and on text mining to gather the evidence to assess claims. Uncertain rules and facts are turned into logical programs and the checking task is modeled as a probabilistic inference problem. Experiments show that both methods enable the efficient and effective labeling of claims with interpretable explanations, both in simulations and in real world user studies with 50% decrease in verification time. Our algorithms are demonstrated in a fact checking website (https://coronacheck.eurecom.fr), which has been used by more than twelve thousands users to verify claims related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spreads and effects.

Data Science
Eurecom Ref:
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PERMALINK : https://www.eurecom.fr/publication/6393