5GCroCo Barcelona trial site for cross-border anticipated cooperative collision avoidance

Muñoz, Raul; Vazquez-Gallego, F.; Casellas, R.; Vilalta, R.; Sedar, R.; Alemany, P.; Martinez, R.; Alonso-Zarate, J.; Papageorgiou, A.; Catalan-Cid, M.; Vilajosana, X.; Bartoli, A.; Guilhot, D.; Moscatelli, F.; Landi, G.; Silva, R.; Dizambourg, L.; Fernandez, A.; Datta, Soumya Kanti; Härri, Jérôme; Muehleisen, M.
EUCNC 2020, European Conference on Networks and Communications, 15-18 June 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Virtual Conference)

Cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM) services along different countries require cross-border solutions to support seamless delivery of services in a multioperator, multi-telco-vendor, and multi-car-manufacturer scenario. The H2020 5GCroCo project will trial 5G technologies in the European cross-border corridor along France, Germany and Luxembourg, as well as in five small-scale trial sites. 5GCroCo
analyses three cross-border use cases: tele-operated driving, highdefinition map generation and distribution for autonomous vehicles, and anticipated cooperative collision avoidance (ACCA). This paper presents the infrastructure, control architecture, backend
software, and end-to-end service orchestration of the cross-border ACCA use case deployed in the Barcelona small-scale trial site.

Communication systems
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