IEEE Network Magazine, Vol.34, N°2, March 2020
Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) and Network Slicing are two key enablers for 5G, particularly to empower low-latency services, known as Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC). However, MEC and Network Slicing are evolving in parallel, and are being defined by two different standardization bodies, ETSI and 3GPP, which limits their integration and their benefits as complementary solutions. In this paper, we fill this gap by providing a novel scheme, compliant with both ETSI and 3GPP, that integrates these two key technologies and brings enhanced slicing capabilities to the edge of the 5G network. In particular, we devise a novel management and orchestration architecture, based on the latest 3GPP specifications, which integrates MEC as a 5G sub-slice. Furthermore, we highlight several issues that emerge when extending network slicing to the edge, security and isolation included, providing a solution for each issue.
Communication systems
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