A swiss army knife for caching in small cell networks

Neglia, Giovanni; Leonardi, Emilio; Ricardo, Guilherme I; Spyropoulos, Thrasyvoulos
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 9 August 2021

We consider a dense cellular network, in which a limited-size cache is available at every base station (BS). Coordinating content allocation across the different caches can lead to significant performance gains, but is a difficult problem even when full information about the network and the request process is available. In this paper we present qLRU-Δ, a general-purpose online caching policy that can be tailored to optimize different performance metrics also in presence of coordinated multipoint transmission techniques. The policy requires neither direct communication among BSs, nor a priori knowledge of content popularity and, under stationary request processes, has provable performance guarantees.

Communication systems
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