PAC: Privacy-preserving arrhythmia classification with neural networks

Mansouri, Mohamad; Bozdemir, Beyza; Önen, Melek; Ermis, Orhan

Recent advances in information technology such as the Internet of Things enable businesses and organisations to collect large amounts of data and apply advanced machine learning techniques in order to infer valuable insights and improve predictions. Unfortunately, such bene ts come with a high cost in terms of privacy exposures given
the high sensitivity of the data that are usually analysed/processed at third party servers. In this study, we aim at protecting health data, more precisely, Electro-Cardiogram (ECG) data while enabling an effi cient prediction of arrhythmia using neural networks. We propose a solution named PAC that combines the use of Neural Networks with
secure two-party computation. To achieve a good trade-off between privacy, accuracy, and efficiency, we rst build a dedicated, efficient neural network model for which the underlying operations can be further performed while data is privacy protected. The resulting model consists of two fully connected layers which perform small size matrix multiplication and one activation layer which executes a square function. The solution
is implemented using the ABY framework and makes use of Arithmetic and Boolean circuits. Several approximations are performed over the representation of the data, accordingly. PAC also supports classi cations in batches when needed. Experimental results run on the PhysioBank datasets show an accuracy of 96.34% which outperforms existing solutions.

Digital Security
Eurecom Ref:
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