Motivated by the capabilities of the SDR, we theorize in this work a simultaneous multi-standard radio definition receiver (SMS-SDR). An SMS-SDR receiver will be able to "simultaneously" decode the information of several heterogeneous wireless standards using the same RF front end. Our target networks are random access networks operating in unlicensed bands. These standards operate without centralized coordination and are subject to serious interference between channels of the same type of technology (CT-CCI) because their operating frequency bands overlap. We are developing several new baseband signal processing algorithms to eliminate ICC from single and multi-antenna receivers. We chose the case of the use of narrow-band and broadband signals, paying particular attention to OFDM-based systems, OFDM being an essential physical layer technique of modern wireless standards such as IEEE families 802.11 and 4G. During development, we focus on methods that can operate autonomously in the receiver, that is, without any cooperation from the transmitter or base station. In this way, they are appropriate random access networks operating in unlicensed bands. In addition, the algorithms can be integrated into the existing infrastructure without any significant effort. Finally, our interference mitigation methods are used to develop decision trees that recommend the sequence of steps to mitigate interference between two heterogeneous signals. Finally, we validated our algorithms by implementing them using SDR
Architecture for simultaneous multi-standard software defined radio receiver
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
© EURECOM. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Thesis and is available at :
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