In this work, we consider the sum rate performance of joint processing coordinated multi-point transmission network (JP-CoMP, a.k.a Network MIMO) in a so-called distributed channel state information (D-CSI) setting. In the D-CSI setting, the various transmitters (TXs) acquire a local, TX-dependent, estimate of the global multi-user channel state matrix obtained via terminal feedback and limited backhauling. The CSI noise across TXs can be independent or correlated, so as to reflect the degree to which TXs can exchange information over the backhaul, hence allowing to model a range of situations bridging fully distributed and fully centralized CSI settings. In this context we aim to study the price of CSI distributiveness in terms of sum rate at finite SNR when compared with conventional centralized scenarios. We consider the family of JP-CoMP precoders known as regularized zero-forcing (RZF). We conduct our study in the large scale antenna regime, as it is currently envisioned to be used in real 5G deployments. It is then possible to obtain accurate approximations on so-called deterministic equivalents of the signal to interference and noise ratios. Guided by the obtained deterministic equivalents, we propose an approach to derive a RZF scheme that is robust to the distributed aspect of the CSI, whereby the key idea lies in the optimization of a TX-dependent power level and regularization factor. Our analysis confirms the improved robustness of the proposed scheme with respect to CSI inconsistency at different TXs, even with moderate number of antennas and receivers (RXs).
Robust regularized ZF in cooperative broadcast channel under distributed CSIT
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.66, N°3, March 2020
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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