WIMOB 2018, 14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, 15-17 October 2018, Limassol, Cyprus
The rapid increase in wireless devices and inherent limitation of RF spectrum is causing Co-Channel Interference (CCI). Effects of CCI are prevalent in Industrial
Scientific Medical (ISM) bands which lack centralized control over devices operating on heterogeneous standards, a situation entirely different from cellular networks. In
this study, we propose physical layer signal processing techniques for multi-antenna OFDM receivers in ISM band for mitigating narrowband CCI. Our work focuses
only on receiver side modifications for interoperability with the existing infrastructure. We first analyze two such prominent multi-antenna interference mitigation methods:
Optimal Combiner (OC) and Technology-Independent MIMO (TIMO). Optimal Combiner, although theoretically optimal, requires statistics of interferer which is difficult to obtain in practice. TIMO does not benefit from diversity gain despite having two antennas. We propose MLSC (Maximal Ratio Combiner with LLR Scaling) for multiantenna OFDM receivers which mitigates CCI caused by narrowband interferers as well as benefits from diversity gain. For a given Packet Error Rate (PER), MLSC achieves comparable Transmit Power Gain (TPG) to OC without needing the statistics of the interferer. In addition, MLSC achieves significant TPG compared to TIMO. Further, we propose an improvement to TIMO: DC-TIMO (Diversity Combiner TIMO) which enables it to perform joint interference nulling and diversity combining.
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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