Spectrum and RAN sharing in 5G networks - a COHERENT approach

Panaitopol, Dorin; Cipriano, Antonio; Katsalis, Kostas; Nikaien, Navid; Chang, Chia-Yu; Kuo, Fang?Chun; Kowalik, Karol; Kokkinen, Heikki; Agapiou, George; Kliks, Adrian
EUCNC 2017, European Conference on Networks and Communications, June 12-15, 2017, Oulu, Finland

This paper discusses the challenges associated with the spectrum and radio access network (RAN) sharing in the next generation wireless systems. The considered scenarios assumes the virtualization of the network, where numerous metrics characterizing various features are abstracted and represented in form of a network graph. The latter is used by the by the dedicated entity, called centralized coordinator and controller, for realization of the sharing functionality. This paper addresses the use cases considered within the COHERENT project.

Poster / Demo
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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