Accelerating data preparation fo Big Data analytics

Tian, Yongchao

We are living in a big data world, where data is being generated in high volume, high velocity and high variety. Big data brings enormous values and benefits, so that data analytics has become a critically important driver of business success across all sectors. However, if the data is not analyzed fast enough, the benefits of big data will be limited or even lost.

Despite the existence of many modern large-scale data analysis systems, data preparation which is the most time-consuming process in data analytics has not received sufficient attention yet. In this thesis, we study the problem of how to accelerate data preparation for big data analytics. In particular, we focus on two major data preparation steps, data loading and data cleaning.

As the first contribution of this thesis, we design DiNoDB, a SQL-on-Hadoop system which achieves interactive-speed query execution without requiring data loading. Modern applications involve heavy batch processing jobs over large volume of data and at the same time require efficient ad-hoc interactive analytics on temporary data generated in batch processing jobs. Existing solutions largely ignore the synergy between these two aspects, requiring to load the entire temporary dataset to achieve interactive queries. In contrast, DiNoDB avoids the expensive data loading and transformation phase. The key innovation of DiNoDB is to piggyback on the batch processing phase the creation of metadata, that DiNoDB exploits to expedite the interactive queries.

The second contribution is a distributed stream data cleaning system, called Bleach. Existing scalable data cleaning approaches rely on batch processing to improve data quality, which are very time-consuming in nature. We target at stream data cleaning in which data is cleaned incrementally in real-time. Bleach is the first qualitative stream data cleaning system, which achieves both real-time violation detection and data repair on a dirty data stream. It relies on efficient, compact and distributed data structures to maintain the necessary state to clean data, and also supports rule dynamics.

We demonstrate that the two resulting systems, DiNoDB and Bleach, both of which achieve excellent performance compared to state-of-the-art approaches in our experimental evaluations, and can help data scientists significantly reduce their time spent on data preparation.

Data Science
Eurecom Ref:
© TELECOM ParisTech. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Thesis and is available at :
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