Intelligence at the edge: Secure and privacy aware consumer centric IoT services

Soumya Kanti Datta
RCIS, IEEE 11th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, May 10-12, 2017, Brighton, UK

This tutorial will initially highlight the challenges of cloud based IoT platforms stemming from supporting ultralow latency and high mobility IoT services. To mitigate these
challenges, the IoT industry is exploring Edge Computing (EC). Proximity to consumers, dense geographical distribution and support for mobility are enabling the industry to utilize EC for many IoT services. These include on-demand video distribution,
localized analytics, augmented reality and connected vehicles. Security, privacy and trust are big challenges for consumer IoT service providers. The mentioned services will generate data about user environment, interaction pattern with IoT devices and
utilize critical services like financial transactions. This presentation will describe many mechanisms needed to create a global security framework for consumer privacy. A connected vehicle scenario will be utilized to further illustrate the architecture and
building blocks of EC as well as security, privacy of vehicular data, computing and dissemination to consumers

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