Scalable asynchronous interaction based on selective recording and replaying of X-protocol streams

Gannoun, Lassaad;Labetoulle, Jacques
PROMS-MMNET 1997, IEEE Conference on Protocols for Multimedia Systems, Multimedia Networking, November 24-27, 1997, Santiago, Chile

This paper deals with the problem of allowing a user to record and replay a specific portion of a window application session in order to build an efficient and scalable asynchronous interaction. Our approach is based on a method that enables a latecomer to dynamically join a conference and share applications used in the conference. We propose to extend this method by archiving the state modifications to the window system as consistent revival points that can be stored with the user's recorded application session. Later, in a replaying step we can impose a specific revival point to a remote window system and start replaying from this point. We propose two mechanisms applied in the recording step to allow later the displaying of the contents of all windows generated by the recorded application. The first is based on simulated window system events, and the second applies window system requests to get and store the contents of all application's windows contents.

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