Sensor-based linked open rules (S-LOR): An automated rule discovery approach for IoT applications and its use in smart cities

Gyrard, Amélie; Serranoy, Martin; Bosco Jaresy, Joao; Datta, Soumya Kanti; Intizar Ali, Muhammad
AW4city 2017, 3rd International ACM Smart City Workshop, In conjunction with WWW 2017, 26th World Wide Web International Conference, April 3, 2017, Perth, Australia

This paper introduces an automated rule discovery approach for IoT device data (S-LOR: Sensor-based Linked Open Rules) and its use in smart cities. S-LOR is built following Linked Open Data (LOD) Standards and provides support for semantics based mechanisms to share, reuse and execute logical rules for interpreting data produced by IoT systems. S-LOR follows LOD principles for data re-usability, semantics-based reasoning and interoperability. In this paper, S-LOR main capability is demonstrated in the context of enabling semanticsbased reasoning mechanisms and tools according to applicationdemand and user requirements. S-LOR (i) supports an au-
tomated interpretation of IoT data by executing rules, and (ii) allows an automated rule discovery interface. The implemented S-LOR mechanism can automatically process and
interpret data from IoT devices by using rule-based discovery paradigm. Its extension called Linked Open Reasoning (LOR) enables and encourages re-usability of reasoning
mechanisms and tools for di erent IoT smart city applications. The use cases described in this paper ts in the domain of smart city applications within Internet of Things deployed systems.

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© ACM, 2017. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in AW4city 2017, 3rd International ACM Smart City Workshop, In conjunction with WWW 2017, 26th World Wide Web International Conference, April 3, 2017, Perth, Australia